Saturday, November 3, 2007

complacency comes from the enemy

Galatians 3:3 "Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?

I started to exercise (again) after finding out that my cholesterol levels were high. I did it for two months because I knew that after two months, I would have my blood chemistry checked again. When the two months were over, I started to slack on my exercise routine. I realize now that I already started a good thing, why stop now!

One of the strategies that our enemy employs to win us is by making us think that we are already ok. He does not negate that God exists. He cannot deny that. He does not negate that there is such a thing as eternal punishment. What he is trying to do to win us over is to make us believe that we are ok. We don't need to change, we don't need to improve ourselves, we don't need to do anything.

Complacency can be very dangerous and it definitely does not come from God but from our enemy. I entered into a personal relationship with the Lord, into the renewal, in 1989 (17 years ago). Have I really grown closer to the Lord? Am I now holier than before? Have I really turned around 180 degrees? Is my life now pleasing and acceptable to the Lord? Have I really been a witness of God's love to others? Sometimes I fear even asking these questions as I realize that 17 years have already past ... what have I been doing since. I admit that there are still areas in my life that needs work. But I need to ask these questions! I need to continuously challenge myself to move from glory to glory because that is what the Lord wants me to do. We all need to ask these questions. We all need to admit that there is still work that needs to be done. We all need to admit that we need the Lord. We are a Work in Progress and only until we are one with our God will that work ever cease.

Dear Lord, painful as it may be at times, do allow me to see the imperfections in me. Allow me to realize the areas in my life that need to be changed. Allow me to submit myself to Your will that I may experience what You intend to do with my person ... someone who moves from glory to glory ... until we are holy, pleasing, and acceptable to Your eyes. I understand that I need to go through Your molding so that I may one day live in Your presence always. And that is my desire.
