Saturday, November 3, 2007

expect trials but never lose hope

John 16:33 "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

Are you still surprised when trials come your way? Oh I still am. We have our family budget well planned for the coming month and then when the month comes, something breaks down or an unexpected expense comes our way ... Surprise! Everything is going smoothly and then suddenly a family member gets sick ... Surprise! I was tracking well against my objectives and thought that the coming months would be a breeze, then my boss approaches me and suddenly wants me to be part of a project that will entail a lot of my time ... Surprise! My wife and I were well prepared for our last trip, then when we check-in at the airport, the lady tells us that my wife may not be able to board the plane because she's pregnant ... Surprise! I love eating good food with meat always in my diet and then after my annual physical examination I find out that I have high cholesterol; my lifestyle suddenly needs changing drastically ... low salt, low fat, exercise ... Surprise!

We are so accustomed to our daily routine that anything that triggers us to make a change rattles us. But the Lord never promised that life will be easy. In fact, He specifically warns us to EXPECT trials and tribulations, see the passage above. They are a part of life and they are coming or is already here. While trials and tribulations always are difficult and require us to change, they also bring positive consequences. In a reflection by Charles Stanley, he notes three positive consequences of suffering:

1. It drives us deeper to the heart of God. True, what normally happens when we are faced with trials? We pray and we run to the Lord to seek Him to cuddle us like children running to their parents.

2. Suffering causes us to receive more of God's marvelous, merciful grace. True again. God's grace is abundant and is ever present but when do we experience this most and when do we physically experience His grace? It is when we are suffering. It is during the times that we go through trial and yet we endure and ultimately we overcome that we experience His tremendous grace.

3. We develop a base of reality and compassion with which we can minister to and love others. True again. Everyone experiences trials, noone is exempted. Many times, the trials we face are similar if not the same as someone else's trial. As we experience trials, therefore, the better we understand what others are going through, the better also we can minister to them. Jesus came to the world to suffer the same trials we face so He may understand us better. He has felt what we feel.

The other part of the passage is a message for us to never lose hope even when we are in the midst of a most difficult trial. The second part of the passage states that Jesus has overcome the world. This is very important to know. All trials and tribulations come from the world because it is imperfect BUT the Lord has overcome the world. Therefore, for as long as we are in His grace and mercy and in His favor, for as long as we remain faithful, we will always have hope and we will always overcome our trial, for the Lord we serve is a God who has conquered the very source of our trials and tribulations.

My Jesus, thank You for reminding me to expect trials in my life and for helping me understand why they come my way. Thank You for reminding me not to run away from them for they bring positive consequences, the most important of which is the fact that they actually bring me deeper into Your heart. As trials come my way, be by my side and if needed, carry me. I shall remain faithful, I shall never lose hope, for I know that I can rely on You, a God who has conquered the world, the very source of all trial and tribulation.His Word brings Hope, Life, Love, Joy, and Peace- Randy