The world we live in is a world of quick-fixes. We look for short cut solutions to our problems.
As we travel to work, we sometimes knowingly or unknowingly commit a traffic violation - swerve, beat a stoplight, etc. To avoid the hassle of being issued a ticket, going through seminars, and losing time better spent on more important things, we take out a hundred peso bill and give it to the policeman. He lets go of us, we take our license with us, and we go about our normal business. Nothing lost. What we did not realize is that by applying this quick fix, we committed a sin, we tempted a policeman to sin, and we committed a bigger crime - that of bribery. Our character is damaged.
We commit to attend a prayer group regularly. Because of "more important" things or conflicts in schedules, we miss a lot of the activities. Later on, to make up for our commitments, we offer hosting an activity or doing an important service. While we believe we have paid our commitments by offering something much bigger, we lose the grace that we could have acquired through the regular attendance of a prayer group and we lose the character formation brought about by religiously attending to our commitments.
I try my best to spend good quality time with my son, Jas. There are times, however, when I just want to be alone and relax. And so, I take time off spending time with him. Then, when I am "in the mood" again, I offer to Jas playing with him for a full afternoon or give him a gift or something. While I may have achieved being in Jas' good side again, I missed his "growing moments" during the time I decided not to spend with him.
Character is built over time. It does not happen overnight. Sacrifice, more often than not, is a one time activity. While sacrifices teach a lesson or two, it is not sustained. Obedience is our ongoing commitment to follow the Lord. Obedience builds character. This is why obedience is far more important than sacrifice. This is why the Lord desires obedience over sacrifice. While sacrifice teaches us lessons, obedience lead us to holiness. In this world of quick-fixes, let us discern well whether or not our actions build our character or actually destroy it.
Father God, temptations are all around me to go for quick-fix solutions. I am reminded today that You do not seek quick solutions but rather my commitment and dedication to follow and obey You. My obedience to You is far more important than the results I deliver. Lead me away from the temptation of quick-fix. Rather, lead me to act in a way where I will grow in holiness.His Word brings Hope, Life, Love, Joy, and Peace.- Randy
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